Record Label: Die Laughing
Hail from San Francisco, CA
The Band is:
Chelsea Rose - Vocals
Keith Mueller - Guitar
Jon Basmajian - Bass
Eric Borst - Drums
BITE is the perfect name for this group of
veterans of the San Francisco's underground
scene: Their unique style of "Punk 'n' Roll"
has its roots in old- school punk acts that
range from The Cramps to the NY Dolls.
The band rips a chunk from the past and
chomps down on the future, bringing a
no-holds-barred attack with just enough
melody to keep it fun for their fans and the unsuspecting public at large. While the band has gone through several incarnations, the current line up --consisting of mainstays CHELSEA ROSE (x- White Trash Debutantes) on Vox, and KEITH MUELLER (formerly of Pop 'o' Pies & House of Wheels) on Guitar-- has remained stable, the band has solidified with current bassist JON BASMAJIAN (x-Nightcrawlers) and Eric Borst (He Who Cannot Be Named, Flipper) on drums.
After a short run punctuated by a brief layoff in the early part of their career, BITE lately has been chewing up Norcal with shows from Reno to the South Bay in support of notables like THE BATUSIS (with heroes SYLVAIN SYLVAIN & CHEETAH CHROME), MICHAEL MONROE (HANOI ROCKS) along with contemporaries like THE SPITTIN' COBRAS and TEXAS TERRI.
Bite recently released 4 new tunes on an EP called 'Cliff Diving' X-Mas Day Dec. 25th, 2013. The EP was produced by the Legendary EAST BAY RAY of DEAD KENNEDYS.
The newest 7' will be released by Die Laughing Records titled; Fight the Fight colored vinyl. Plus their brand new CD titled "TRACKS PAST & PRESENT" is available in stores or online. Click below to get your copy today direct from us at Die Laughing Records.