Die Laughing has just inked a deal to work with the likes of Mike, Frank, Jimmy, Greg Langston assembled as the 4 piece which goes by THE NEXT.
Here is a little info on these guys.
Mike Tringali: Life in Punk began in 1977 as a lead singer with the obscure suburban angst known as
The Dix. A false tribute of The Dix would be featured in the Sex Pistols cinematic documentary
“DOA: The Rite of Passage”. Mike later fronted The Street Punks and The Bomb Squad before
forming the Next.
Greg Langston: Originally the drummer for No Alternative, and Screaming Bloody Marys.
Jimmy Crucifix:his talents as the guitarist for the bands Crucifix, Proudflesh and Fang.
Frank Ventura/ Nenzda: A life long bassist, Frank was associated with the new Wave band, Aurora Push Ups, was noted for the single “Angels On Runway One”, entered the band with pounding bass lines that separate The Next from all other musical entities.